Monday, October 22, 2012

Schools Need MONEY!

The article from the Texas Tribune I will be focusing on by Morgan Smith titled School Districts, State Trade Blame Finance Trial focuses on the underfunding of public schools. There has been an estimated about $5.4 billion that has been reduced since 2005 for the schools budgeting system.

Smith’s underlying message is that by reducing funding to public schools while increasing the standards for academic performance through the new accountability system has failed to meet its constitutional obligations to provide an adequate and efficient public education system. With this focus, faculty and staff are finding it difficult to acquire more resources to educate students who continue to do poor on state exams, which seem to be an increasing trend. The new STAAR exam is said to be more rigorous than the old version of the TAKS test. Without the right resources students are struggling to get to the next grade level when funding needs to be provided. I do agree with Smith’s position because if you cannot equip our kids for the future what foundation are you giving them?

Smith does go on to explain that the reason why public education systems are failing is because it’s a monopoly. By definition monopolies drive up prices, increase costs, and keep wages low. This is what has been going on in public education systems since 2005 which has depleted students from performing on statewide issue exams.

Smith did suggest a backup plan which is to make a more competitive system that would not only make better use of taxpayer money, but also benefit teachers and students by increasing the compensation for high-quality instructors. I do agree with Smiths plan because our teachers are the cornerstone in what makes a student successful.

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